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Modification to new rear oil seal

To: <>
Subject: Modification to new rear oil seal
From: "Bob Roberts" <>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 18:01:18 -0700
Hi listers:

    A while back I asked for help with the specs on turning the crank down to
accomodate the new seal,( I had misplaced my spec sheet ) and received a lot
of help.  All were in agreement and I had the crank turned down thanks to
their help.  Well, I found the spec sheet and the specs agreed with what I
used.  There was one thread among the replies that referred to oil leaks after
installation, My sheet  instructed the user to drill two holes on either side
of the rear main oil hole paralell to the center one and exiting on the
bearing surface.  This is designed to reduce oil pressure at the seal site.  I
had done this some time ago when I first received the specs.  No one in reply
had mentioned this mod so I thought I'd forward this just in case.

Bob Roberts

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