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Picture the scene...

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Picture the scene...
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 16:41:24 +0100
An English country town, a sunny Saturday in summer - and a small car park in
the centre, sandwiched between the shops and the road.
Parked in the car park (and of course outside) a noble pub selling interesting
food and a delightful array of real ales are no less than four REAL Triumphs -
three Glorias and a Southern Cross. All of them utterly pristine, polished,
gleaming, superbly cared for and a delight to the eyes of the many who stood
before, beside and behind them.
Colonel Holbrook and his team, certainly knew how to design a car of total
appeal. It made me wonder (for not the first time) that if the company had
survived into the postwar wars, how different its products might have been to
those that later bore the same name. Yes - I confess to downright envy and it
wouldn't have been at all difficult to have left my "1974 Standard Vanguard"
masquerading as a "Triumph" 2000 in exchange. There was no question, junk the
clone and own the REAL thing - even if it was pre-1940.


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