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RE: Running lights - little lbc

To: "Randall Young" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Running lights - little lbc
From: "Dave Moag" <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 12:23:05 -0700
C'mon Randall. You don't REALLY think they could build a jail that you won't
find some way to break out of, do you???

Dave Moag
62 TR3B
La Canada, CA <--- close enough to visit Randall in the slammer

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Randall Young
I've been accumulating a big box of large bearing balls (from CV joints and
whatnot).  Next time some a**hole in an SUV pulls up behind me with his
illegally lit driving lights roasting the hairs on the back of my neck,
they're going over my shoulder !

I've thought of carrying a shotgun for the purpose ... but I really don't
want to go to jail for improving the gene pool !


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