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Re: Good Beer, Now Favorite Beer Survey

Subject: Re: Good Beer, Now Favorite Beer Survey
From: George Huffaker <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 12:04:35 -0700 (PDT)
I find this thread is hilarious.  I'm just catching up after being offline for 
a bit, so forgive the late chiming in. I hope it has occurred to someone that 
what Dave describes below that Guiness is doing is exactly what Triumph did 
with their cars.  They (and every other British car manufacturer) 
"reformulated" their offerings to appeal to American tastes because they were 
shrewd enough to recognize that the American market was the lion's share of 
their revenue source. If you think British Leyland didn't give a great deal of 
thought to how to make their sports cars appeal to Americans, then think again. 
  Guiness also wants to capitalize on that huge market.  Its a well known fact 
that the American economy drives the world economy (for better or worse) and 
those of us in the rest of the world are very aware of that fact when we make 
our business decisions (I'm over here in the US now on a business trip).

And no offense intended to any individual on this list, but regarding beer and 
ale, some of you sound like a bunch of fecking beer snobs. And it sounds to be 
mostly the Americans that are responding to this thread.  Its as if you are 
ashamed of your own beer.  Being from Ireland, and more recently the UK, I have 
my own opinions on a good pint, but you should never be ashamed of your 
heritage or where you are from.  Especially when it comes to your beer. Trust 
me on that one, boys!  Whether it be an American "light" beer in a tin can or a 
good pint of stout, just enjoy it and quit whinging and knocking American beers 
like a bunch of fecking Euro-wannabes.  ;-)

Rant mode off.  Take this in the spirit it was intended -- a good ribbing from 
a mate.  I'm going to enjoy a pint. Here's to your health and good cheer.  ;-)


Original message:

Not only that, but checking carefully the label on a bottle of Guiness and sure 
enough it is imported. From Canada. it appears that they >have reformulated the 
stuff for "American tastes" and set up a brewery in Canada so it can sport the 
"Imported" label.

Still better than "yellow beer."


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