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RE: Paint Colors

To: <>
Subject: RE: Paint Colors
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 10:04:37 -0700 FILETIME=[035789D0:01C34573]
> 68 MGB/GT (currently in the same decision stage as you... its in primer
> and waiting for paint. I will probably go with the original primrose
> yellow color, partly for originality, but mainly just so it doesn't look
> exactly like every other red MGB out there).

Good for you !  Red is so trite ... and BTW I now believe it's true that
you're more likely to be stopped for speeding, etc. in a red car.  I drive
just as fast as ever, haven't had a single speeding ticket since painting
the TR3 green/black.


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