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Re: Good TR Insurance suggestions??

Subject: Re: Good TR Insurance suggestions??
From: "" <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 16:33:26 +0000 FILETIME=[813FADA0:01C33B37]
>Hello all list members,  my question is who has a good cheap and responsive
>insurance company (and they do windows too!!) ?  I use state farm because 
>are one of the few who does insurance old cars with no problems, but they 
>a bit more, though I have also had nothing but good experiences for claims 
>the insurance.  They are classic car specialty insurance companies I know 
>wanted some opinions and names, for instance there was one who advertised 
>VTR a couple months back .. anyone have the name and number and/or info 
>it ???
>Preferably they will have multi-car discounts, and do they do normal cars
>Thanks in advance to all who reply.


    I insure my TR4 from the same company (Economy Fire & Casualty) that 
holds the policy for my
    home and Audi. It's insured as a  daily driver but for an "Agreed 
value". Most of the specialty
    insurance companies have caveats on their coverage that limit what and 
how they cover your
    collector car (usually, so many miles per year or other such limits). I 
don't like to deal with the "hassle"
    of these limits. It doesn't cost me that much more to insure it year 

    Since your insurer is State Farm, it's quite likely your agent isn't an 
"independant" agent so he may
    not be able to suggest a policy that isn't a an "S.F." product... You 
may want to check with a
    reputable independant agent in your area.



Greg Petrolati Champaign, Illinois       1962 TR4 (CT4852L)

That's not a leak... My car's just marking its territory...


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