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Re: Parts Stores - slightly off topic

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: Parts Stores - slightly off topic
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2003 09:21:04 +0100
Jim Wallace's little story about "Canadian Tire" and his front tyre for his
tractor reminded me of a recently overheard conversation in my local parts
shop in my nearest town. It's not a large shop by any stretch of the
imagination and is now staffed by the most, cantankerous, unco-operative,
bloody-minded old bastard who is seemingly stuck to his stool behind the
I was examining the carousel of electrical bits for a condenser and set of
points when I heard the other customer say "and I'll have 5 litres of Castrol
GTX, please." to which the reply was, "haven't got it. There's no demand for
it. You're the fourth person today with that request."
To which observation the customer replied, "Really? Then perhaps you ought to
have a notice in front of you on the counter. It's an old Biblical saying that
runs along the lines of 'if you get off your ***e, you can earn a quid.'"


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