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Re: FW: SB708 - Of Interest to California Listers...Long!

Subject: Re: FW: SB708 - Of Interest to California Listers...Long!
From: Michael Hargreave Mawson <>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 16:23:49 +0000
References: <>
User-agent: Turnpike/6.02-U (<LxVf5jpHTJ4KxZf4nSFlqLdH9U>)
On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, at around 07:37:31 local time, Brad Eells 
<> wrote:
>Here is the response I received from Senator Florez regarding Senate Bill

I doubt that he is going to find too many vehicles over 30 years old 
doing over 12000 miles a year, let alone any of those which are sources 
of significant pollution.  So what do you get for your Bill?   Masses of 
additional bureaucracy, and no significant improvement in air quality. 
Sounds like a really bad deal to me. :-(   The original draft of the 
Bill was at best marginally useful, but extremely painful to car 
hobbyists.   The new draft is far less painful, but completely 
pointless.   Ask your Senator whether he has any research data on the 
number of vehicles likely to be affected by the Bill as revised.   If he 
hasn't, he should commission some, before wasting everyone's time 
(including his own).

Ellie  - 1963 White Herald 1200 Convertible GA125624 CV
Connie - 1968 Conifer Herald 1200 Saloon GA237511 DL
Carly  - 1977 Inca Yellow Spitfire 1500 FH105671

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