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Re: Dean Florez (was Question About Smog Control in England)

To: "Randall Young" <>, "Triumphs" <>
Subject: Re: Dean Florez (was Question About Smog Control in England)
From: "Fred Thomas" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 18:00:13 -0500
References: <>
> According to an article in Saturday's LA Times, Kern county (where Sen
> Florez is from) has some of the worst air in California, even worse than
> In an interview, he talked about kids not being able to breathe and
> I know from recent experience that it's terrifying to watch your kid have
> asthma attack.
Now Randall why should the folks 500 miles away be subjected to something
happening in his district, pass a smog bill for his district not the entire
state, and smog is not caused just from smoking or oil burning cars, the
last reports I read talked about the worst polluters were the ==catalytic
converters== as being the problems, anyway, whats bad for San Francisco does
not mean it's bad for San Diego, here in N. Virginia we have emission
inspection in only 6 counties out of over 50, so it is according to
locations needs and not just a blanket statewide forced laws from special
interest ($$$$) politicians, and I still bet he owns or has owned some car
dealerships.  "FT"

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