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Re: Here's a thread we haven't had for a while...

To: "''" <>
Subject: Re: Here's a thread we haven't had for a while...
From: Scott Tilton <>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 11:30:46 -0500
From:   "Jim Muller" <
<> >


Most people, especially adult males, like to think they know 
everything there is to know about cars anyway.  I've tried making a 
joke of the "us vs. them" aspect, as in Ford vs. Chevy,


OH yeah. .I've been there too.
I've been known to take the sarcastic approach with some of those guys:

They say MG or Fiat and I say "Close, but it is actually a Triumph."

Their response will often be something along the lines of:  "Whatever!
Aren't they the same thing."

I agree and say "Yeah I suppose they are.  Just like a Chevy and a Ford
pickup are the same thing."

Most of the time that will get a grin and a nod of acknowledgement.
When a particular uppity redneck scoffs at this statement I'll start a list
for him:

"This TR6 has a 6 cylinder engine,  independent rear suspension and a
separate body and frame.  Those MG's have 4 cylinder engines, solid rear
axles and a unibody.  Can you tell me that a Ford F-150 and a Chevy 1500 are
more different than that?"

Then drive away speedily before aforementioned redneck goes to unload his
gun rack in the Ford / Chevy  clone vehicle.

Scott Tilton

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