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RE: DIY Leak down tester

Subject: RE: DIY Leak down tester
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 20:50:47 -0800
Cc: "Triumph List \(Triumph List\)" <>
> I think part of the need for an orifice is dependent upon the type of
> regulator used. In the commercial ones I've used in the past, what
> accomplished the purpose of a graded orifice was either a
> regulator with a
> ten-turn valve, or a ten-turn metering valve after the regulator. Despite
> the additional cost, being able to adjust the airflow is more precise (as
> opposed to using a fixed orifice). That is how one is able to
> determine the
> rate of leakage as a percentage of the air source. If the leakage rate is
> unspeakably bad, a graded orifice will not give as accurate an
> indication of
> that as will an adjustable metering valve.

Michael, I've never even seen a commercial unit ... can you please explain
how the metering valve is used ?  Does one set it for a certain pressure
drop, and then read how far the valve is turned ?


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