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RE: sad week indeed

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Subject: RE: sad week indeed
From: <>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 18:41:22 -0700
i am sorry, this list is supposed to be about lbc's and all that and i never
have wandered from that topic before, but please.  my son in law is a lance
corporal in the united states marine corp.  my son also is lance corporal
united states marine corp reserves (currently attending university).  my son
was told last sunday that his unit may be activated soon.  one of my best
friends son is also in the united states marine corp although i do not know
his rank.  the first thing to clarify is that these young men are ready to
lay down their lives if they have to.  i personally know these three young
men very well (one son, one son in law).  they are not killers.  they do not
want to kill anyone.  they do not want to go to iraq.  my son in law, as i
type this is 3 miles from the iraq border.  i know he would much rather be
home with my daughter and his 9 month old son than living in the tent he is
in and working the 18 hour days he is working.  i also believe that our
president would much rather focus on the economy, thus assuring his
re-election than fight a war.  however, it appears to me that our president
would rather defend me and my fellow citizens (of all sexual persuasions
btw) than win a re-election.  president bush is not winning votes with his
commitment and convictions.  next, i live in colorado.  i noticed this guy
in the locker room of the ymca here had a new york accent.  i asked him (i
did not know him), did you know anyone connected to the world trade center ?
with tears in his eyes (remember this is in the locker room of the y in
colorado) he told me how his college roomate, dear friend was in one of the
towers when it went down.  oh, btw, it is my understanding that there were
women, children, arabs, muslims, homosexuals and other people as well as
'war monging white anglo males' in the buildings.  i don't think the usa
wanted to get into ww2.  at least that is what history tells us.  however,
sometimes, as reluctant as we are, we have to defend the defenseless.  hmmm,
what would have happened to the rest of the homosexuals, jehovahs witnesses,
jews, polish, russians etc. etc. etc. if the usa had not gotten into the war
?   i won't go on about france, thats another thorn !  am i glad my father
had to endure one year in a tiny submarine firing torpedos ?  no !!!  am i
glad my father in law had to crawl around in italy in ww2 ?  absolutely not
!  were they glad they went and had to fight a war ?  no way !  they tell me
it was a nightmare.  they also tell me they would do it again!!!  evil
people who want to kill everyone except 'us chosen few' unfortunately have
to be stopped before they can succeed.  people have freedom and rights, as
long as those rights do not infringe upon others.  in closing, i apologize
in advance for being 'political'.  please do not flame me, send me viruses
or anything else.  this one was just too close to home.  larry

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