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Re: TRF Sale - something missing

To: <>
Subject: Re: TRF Sale - something missing
From: "Fred Thomas" <>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 16:59:31 -0400
References: <>
> > Am I completely out of line by feeling
> > slighted/snubbed/ignored/forgotten by
> > TRF?
> I suppose you could take it that way.
> I'll also point out that their "Glovebox companions", as well as the files
> available on the web site, are by no means complete catalogs.  The ONLY
> to go for TR2-4A is to get a copy of the factory Spare Parts Catalog (SPC)
> for your car and order by the numbers.  I'll agree, it seems very strange
> first, but once you get used to it, IMO it works quite well.  After using
> the TRF system (which BTW does seem to be common with most British
> I find myself aggravated at Moss, VB, etc. for not using the factory
> but instead making up their own.
> Just my $.002
> Randall
Or you can order the Moss U/K cataloge and also get all factory numbers as
well as some very good trouble shooting pics. and comments and it is just
loaded with fix-it tips, this along with the original factory parts book and
you are ready.  "FT"

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