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RE: AC Fuel Pump

To: <>
Subject: RE: AC Fuel Pump
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2002 09:08:01 -0700
> 65 4A sputtered out and found fuel seeping out from where the
> upper half of
> the AC fuel pump joins the diaphragm. Removed the top and upon examining
> under the upper section found no retaining plate or screws as shown in my
> Haynes or even threads for screws. The valves seem to be securely
> in place.
> Do some of these pumps not have the retaining plate?

On some pumps the valves are staked into the holes.  I thought this was only
on reproductions, not genuine AC, but I could be wrong.

> Haynes blowup shows no gasket between the diaphragm and the upper
> half of the
> pump but there's one there and it's worn along parts of the edge
> - hence the
> seepage. Why doesn't Haynes show this gasket? My plan now is to
> make a new
> one and put it in. Any reason that's a bad idea?

I don't know that it's a bad idea, but there was no gasket there originally.
The diaphragm material is soft enough to be it's own gasket.


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