The VTR site has it right. I once drove a Spit for 130 miles
with no back brakes. No fluid loss either (other than the orig
when the line broke) So I'm inclined to believe what I always
have... it seals it off.
Paul Tegler
----- Original Message -----
From: "Woods, Ed" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 2:18 PM
Subject: PDWA
I thought that it was the consensus of the List that the PDWA did not shut
off the offending part of the braking system when tripped; that it is only a
device to give an electrical warning. Then I found the following on the VTR
What gives??
"Front or Rear brakes bled, but no luck at other end
Your Pressure Differential Warning Actuator (PDWA) may be tripped.
This would close off either the front or back hydraulic circuit and leave
the other
functional. It's easy to trip this when bleeding the brakes. If
this is your problem, the brake warning light will glow brightly when the
ignition is turned on.
(Unless of course your brake warning light switch or bulb is not
If the PDWA is tripped, the shuttle in the PDWA can be re-centered
by the following procedure:
Open a bleed nipple on the brake system that does work.
With the ignition switch on, observe the brake warning light.
Press on the brake pedal carefully and watch the light. It and the oil
pressure light
should dim as the switch centralizes. You should also hear a
click. Do not press too much or too fast, or the switch goes past center.
Just keep
repeating the proceedure until it works, varying the
wheel/brake circut until you figure out which way the switch was on.
If the above absolutely does not work for you, the PDWA can be
mechanically recentered, but is more difficult, involving partial
disassembly of the
PDWA unit. "
Ed Woods
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