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RE: kiss it or shoot it ?

To: <>
Subject: RE: kiss it or shoot it ?
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 21:15:08 -0700
Larry :

One possibility is that you have a bad float valve that leaks just a little
bit.  When you park the car, the remaining fuel pressure leaks slowly past
the valve and floods the carb.  If it sits long enough (or turns enough),
then the fuel evaporates or gets sucked through the engine, then it starts
and runs fine.  Next time, try releasing the choke fully, holding the gas
pedal all the way to the floor, and cranking for a solid 15 seconds or so.
(Use the old trick of counting one one thousand, two one thousand, etc. to
count the 15 seconds, as otherwise it seems way too long.)

If you have a steady hand, you can roughly check the voltage by pulling a
plug wire off, pushing the boot up so the metal end is exposed, then holding
it about 1/8" away from a grounded metal surface (the rocker cover will do)
while someone cranks the engine (or you can rig a remote starter switch
across the starter solenoid).  A healthy system should be able to jump 1/4",
but 1/8" will usually start an engine.  There is a small chance of being
shocked, if your plug wire is defective, but it won't harm you (unless of
course you whack your head on the hood or something <g>)


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