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RE: TR2/3 Rebuilt Engine Still Stuck

Subject: RE: TR2/3 Rebuilt Engine Still Stuck
From: Barry Schwartz <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 13:15:51 -0700
>It may be possible that I have used the center main cap from the donor
>engine instead of the original one from my engine.  I cannot see any
>difference in the center main bearing caps.  
This may be your first big mistake -
The bearing caps are mated to each block (one reason why they are numbered)
As well as each rod and cap.  You CAN NOT just use one from one engine and
one from another.  The only way to use different parts from different
engines is to have them assembled then bored and or align bored (the
procedure that your machinist was describing).  If this is done (correctly)
then all the bores are true and set as they were from the factory
The block must be disassembled, the cracked cap MUST be replaced and the
whole thing align bored - basically starting the rebuild from scratch - 

Barry Schwartz (San Diego)

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