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Re: OD Tranny Slipping in Reverse?

Subject: Re: OD Tranny Slipping in Reverse?
From: Randall <>
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 12:51:53 -0800
Cc: "[unknown]" <>
References: <>
David Massey wrote:
> Sounds like the OD is a bit slow disengaging.  This could be an adjustment
> of the solenoid or a partial clog in the actuation valve.  The valve and
> such can be removed for inspection.  Remove the plug and the spring.  With
> a small magnet remove the ball and the rod.  Inspect for debris.  The oil
> that gushes out when you remove the plug will likely flush out the
> obstruction.

Note that there is a quite small hole in the side of the rod, that is
somewhat prone to clogging.  I've seen it recommended to enlarge that
hole slightly, but I've never tried it.  Also check the bore inside the
rod to be sure it's clean.


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