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Re: Are we gaining or losing Triumphs?

Subject: Re: Are we gaining or losing Triumphs?
From: Bill Pugh <>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 10:40:57 -0800
Nice thread Noah,
        I personally know of one fully race prepared TR4, with slicks 
and many, many spares now residing in a barn in Canada...I have tried 
to get my good friend who owns it to restore it for vintage 
racing...but...he is too busy making money.  I can only hope that 
when he retires he will restore the car...that should relieve him of 
any excess funds.
        As to driving pristine sidescreen cars, what a shame that the 
concours winners are only driven on and off trailers, of course 
Casper is by no means concours, in fact a melange of TR3 and TR3A 
parts, he still gets lots of waves, oohs and ahhs, and is the choice 
of drives (like TerriAnn's) in good weather.  Which here in N. 
California is almost least every week. We have 
concentrated on making Casper as reliable as a 44 year old car can 
be, but there are occasional problems.
        Upon returning from Triumphest we ran out of gas on Hiway 
395, fortunately AAA+ got us back on the road in 30 minutes, 
unfortunately I mentioned it unknowingly to another member of the 
United British Sports Car Club of Sacramento, and I now am the holder 
of the dreaded "Chicken"...awarded to Club members who break down and 
require assistance to get going again. I argued that running out of 
gas was not a break down, but lost the argument <G>

>Are the barns beating us, or are we beating the barns?
>Just wanted peoples thoughts...

Bill Pugh
1957 TR-3
aka Casper

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