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RE: TR 4 on ebay

To: " daily digest" <>
Subject: RE: TR 4 on ebay
From: "Jeffrey J. Barteet" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 11:05:42 -0800 (PST)
I think the most incredible thing about that car is that the owner is
letting it go in lieu of a '74 XKE. Yeesch!

I mean, it seems everybody wants an XKE, (I want a series I coupe myself)
but to trade a car like this, which is honestly a once in a lifetime car,
for the worst-of-breed Jag ever built, ( IMHO ) stikes me as a big

Love is blind, I suppose. G'luck to the fellah. He'll need it when he
starts working on the FI for a Jag V12.


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