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Re: How do you setup a TR4A for neg ground?

Subject: Re: How do you setup a TR4A for neg ground?
From: Randall <>
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2001 07:40:46 -0800
References: <> wrote:
> I have a 1967 TR4A and it looks like it can be setup as a positive or a
> negative ground system, depending on what literature or shop manual you look
> at.

According to Bill Piggott (who I'd be inclined to believe), TR4's were
positive ground, TR4A's were negative.

>  What precautions are needed.

The only devices on an original car that care about polarity are the
ignition coil, the ammeter, and the generator.  To switch polarities,
you switch the connections at the ammeter, ignition coil and battery;
and repolorize the generator.

>  Also, I'm told you have to polarize the
> generator.  How is that done?

Engine off, remove the wire from the D terminal on the control box
(regulator), connect a jumper to the wire, and momentarily touch the
other end of the jumper to the hot terminal on the battery (or on the
starter solenoid).  There will be sparks, so don't be surprised. 
Disconnect the jumper, put the wire back, you're done.

> Does anyone have a good, legible copy of the correct wiring diagram for this
> car that could be faxed to me at 262 548-0146?

Sorry, I don't, although I believe the TR4 diagrams you've seen are
pretty close, with the changes mentioned above.  However, Dan Masters
should be publishing his TR2-4A electrical book Real Soon Now, it will
have one.  I've cc'd him this reply, perhaps he can help now.


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