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tr4a troubles

Subject: tr4a troubles
From: Rich Scotti <>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 11:58:58 -0800
After 7 years of "body off" restoring ,the cars back on the road and running 
strong with these exceptions. 

1. When I go over a bump, the bonnet pops open. I have adjusted the location of 
the pin so it hits straight against the latch. I have adjusted the vertical 
adjustment of the receiver so the hood is set straight with the fenders and 
cowling (and also resting against the hood cones). I greased the latch. Is this 
in error? Any magic I missed? This one is a show stopper. I have driven miles 
with the hood floating up looking for a place to stop. 

2. The Windshield cowling is leaned back about 1/2" too far. By this I mean 
that the windshield is basically "swept back" about 1/2" at the top. I have a 
Surrey and the soft top frame will not fit between in the gap. Neither will the 
hard top. When the door window is rolled up, the front edge hits the windshield 
frame (leaving a scratch on new paint!). Anyone ever encounter this problem? 
Since its seated against the cowling and the 3 bolts are tight, I'm at a loss 
for what to adjust. 

3. The fuel and temp gauges don't work right. The tank is always 3/4 full (even 
when empty) and the temp is always almost cold (even when hot). I suspect the 
voltage stabilizer is not wired correctly. The schematic has numbers for the 
posts, but my stabilizer doesn't have numbers on it????? Which wires go to 
which post? 

I suppose you would expect a shake-out period after such a major operation. It 
does get frustrating when you re-do something > 5 times and its still not 
right!  Any advice for the above issues would be humbly accepted. 

R Scotti

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