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Re: Backyard visitors

Subject: Re: Backyard visitors
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2001 21:19:40 EDT
OK, first tall, tale, teller dosen't hve a chance:
It's March of 1959 I'm driving my TR3A to Sebring Fla.(Note LBC content) for 
the 12 hour race. (More LBC) Left Wash.DC late in the day and sometime late 
that nite ran out of steam and pulled into a South Georgia roadside pinic 
area to get some shut eye. Had a buddy w/me and we both fell asleep right 
away. About 2AM we are awakened by a snorting and banging noise. In the light 
of a pretty good moon we see about a half dozen wild hogs rooting through the 
trash cans. The cans were 55 gal. oil drums mounted between two posts with a 
rod running through the can and both posts. The biggest hog would run under 
the drum tipping it on its side then the others would jump in and pull all 
the trash out. 
All this is going on within about 6ft. of our car and the smallest hog is 
pretty near the same size as the Triumph. Needless to say we made a record 
start and were wide awake for the rest of the trip!
Not exactly back yard but----------
Doug Ross

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