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Re: Backyard visitors

Subject: Re: Backyard visitors
From: Raymond Hatfield <>
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2001 06:09:06 -0700 (PDT)
--- wrote:
> Wow,
> You didn't see a little, long haired, Aussie following all this wildlife and 
> hollering "Crikey" and "Gorgeous" did you?

I wouldn't have been suprised if Steve had showed up - they say we have 'gators
in the Arkansas River!

> Maybe the cougar was following the cockatiel.

Naw, the bird would only have been an appetizer! :)  Of course, walking the dog
after dark takes on a whole different meaning now.

> Seriously, several years ago I had one cross the road directly in front of my
> car near Goat Island, SC, in broad daylight too!
> The game warden tells me there are no cougars in the Carolinas but I know 
> what I saw. And yes, it was well before Turkey Time (Wild Turkey that is)

Yeah, well after enough Wild Turkey, you can see all sorts of things!
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