"Kai M. Radicke" wrote:
> A boy named Derek who I knew had an MGB and ran the thing into
> the ground, burned valves, cut up the wiring, involved the car in slight
> mishaps every so often, etc.
So what ? The important thing is, did he enjoy owning it ? Did he
learn from his mistakes ? Wasn't it his car, to do with as he pleased ?
Just for the record, I fell in love with the very first TR3A I ever saw,
at a time and place where they were by no means common on the street
(hadn't been made for a dozen or so years). Talked my Dad into buying
it, even though he wasn't interested in sports cars either before or
since. I didn't see a second one for over a year afterwards. My
misadventures were not a great deal different than Derek's, at one point
I had Dad ship me a half axle from Indiana to Florida, where I'd lost a
wheel. I had the gauge panel out so often, I eventually wired it all
through a giant disconnect to make it easier to take out next time ...
But, I daresay some good's come of it ... there's darn few TR3As still
being driven everyday, most people aren't willing to deal with them. To
me, it just seems normal.
Kai, perhaps you were born knowing "the right way" to work on your LBC,
but I wasn't. And I'm sure not going to look down at my nose at some
kid learning the same way I did what he wants, and how to get it. If he
uses up a car, so be it. The world will be enough richer for having
another citizen who can think for himself, to more than make up for a
missing "collector's item".
Remember, those kids are going to run the world someday. Do you really
want to grow old in a world run by people who think coffee can exhausts
are 'kewl' ???
59 TR3A daily driver
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