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Re: Coming down-continued

Subject: Re: Coming down-continued
From: Matt Ritter <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 16:24:44 -0400
Cc: "[unknown]" <>
References: <>
> For every anectdotal, ill-conceved project there are plenty of
> well-received, heavily used metro systems that have been launched in the US
> in the last 10 years.  Not to mention the paramount systems that have been
> in place in Europe since the Second World War.

While I do agree in most part with the previous message I would like to 
state one thing.  Comparing the U.S. transportation needs to Europe's
is missleading. Yes most Europian nations do have a supperior mass
transit sytem. And yes you can fit most Europian nations inside of
the state of Texas with room to spare.  So obviously the U.S.
transportation needs and Europes will be different. To quote a
british friend of mine while travelling up Interstate 95 after about
12 hours of driving he siad "how can we not have seen a city yet?"

Matt "living in the middle of nowhere" Ritter

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