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fried TR4 brakes

Subject: fried TR4 brakes
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 17:03:04 EDT

You just learned a good lesson as to why to put on the parking brake fairly 
tight - so that when you forget ... it's much more noticeable that somethings 
wrong way before getting smoke signals!

You probably cooked things good. But there are only two screws holding on the 
drum  so once the rear tire is off it's usually a breaze to pull off the 
drums - of course release the parking brake to remove them. I imagine the 
shoes are cooked and maybe the drums warped. It cost about $9 each to have 
the drums 'turned' (trued) at a machine shop and about $20 for brand new 
A good test to sense condition of rear brakes would be to test them 
independantly of front brakes by driving around and using only the rear 
brakes (by pulling on parking brake handle to varying degrees). Test it to 
see if it pulsates as you come to a stop (warped drums) and any other odd 
things. Remember though that typically rear brakes only provide about 25% of 
overall stopping power so plan to avoid trees, guard rails, turns in the r
oad, way in advance.

If you are lucky you only wore down the shoes and can take up this wear by 
adjusting 'in' the little square adjustment screws at rearside of brake 
backing plates - look at your manual for instructions on 'brake 
adjustments'.. Rear brakes should be adjusted at least yearly anyway..

Carl Sereda
'63 TR4 since '74 - CT22326L

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