I too loved traffic circles. I say that in the past
tense as most of them are gone. They just put a new
one in Clearwater but people just can't seem to handle
it. :-o
When I lived in Massachusetts during the 1980's, I
watched as slowly, all the major traffic circles (they
called 'em "rotaries" up Boston way) were converted to
traffic light intersections. There were still plenty
left when I left in 1990, along the Jamaicaway & Rte
1, etc.
In truth though, it always seemed to me that your
average Massachusetts driver never could figure out
the principles which govern traffic circle use. I
remember it driving me nuts 'cause I used to commute
to Norwood from Boston and had to go through several
circles--People IN the circle have a tendency to yield
to let other cars in.
Well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out
that if enough people do this, the whole damned circle
fills up and stops cold dead!
Hey Mass. people, they still doing this up there?
Fred Marks
Brandon, FL
> Thankis for letting me vent- I love traffic circles,
> and am glad other
> states have found them now (Md started using them
> recently, or at least
> added a couple)
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