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FW: Subject: Re: Left Lane Bandits (rant and rerant)

To: "Triumphs@autox. Team. Net" <>
Subject: FW: Subject: Re: Left Lane Bandits (rant and rerant)
From: "R. Ashford Little II" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 20:01:44 -0400
Left Lane Bandits (rant and rerant)

Wow this topic sure has people's dander up, doesn't it.   Well not wanting
to feel excluded from the rant crew I feel it is my obligation to chip in.
I'm not going to quote statistics from NHTSA or how they do it in Germany
(although we could learn a thing or two from the Germans) nor will I attempt
to define safe driving.  You can twist and turn most statistics (just look
at what the politicians do) and a "safe speed" isn't something that can be
defined in anything less than a college thesis.

I believe the root of most of the problems we encounter on American roads
can be traced to both a lack of proper driver training and feelings of
entitlement to one thing or another by society today.

That said, I try to stay out of the left lane except when passing as that is
what my father taught me and I believe the polite thing to do.  I do use the
flash signal when someone is dozing in the left most lane and usually I
receive a wave back from the driver (you know the one; five minus four
fingers) showing their pure ignorance of road etiquette.  But as my wife
tells me I cannot educate the whole world in proper driving techniques.

It all boils down to prudent and responsible behavior whether in the left
lane or possibly any of the other 10+ lanes to choose from.  While not
generally in favor of more governmental regulation, I am of the firm belief
that a bit more training or requirements should be necessary to enable a
person to possess a driver's license.

My .02
My speed demon

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