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Re: Left Lane Bandits (v.long, & no LBC)- my $0.02

Subject: Re: Left Lane Bandits (v.long, & no LBC)- my $0.02
From: Scott Bloomer <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 19:29:48 -0500
In Sweden the law was: Stay in the right lane except to pass. always.

On Thu, 7 Jun 2001 14:46:19 -0700 (PDT) Fred Marks <>
> First of all, thanks to everyone who has emailed me
> off list and expressed their thanks that I vented on
> this subject.  
> Now on to Steven Newell's rant :-)
> > If losing control at high speeds and crashing into
> > another car, or causing an accident through  
> > aggressive driving, were examples of personal
> choice, 
> > I'd agree. But if you kill my wife and children*
> > because you want to drive 90 mph on I-25 through
> > downtown Denver -- MOVE TO GERMANY AND DRIVE 
> First off, if I wanted to drive 90 through Denver I
> COULDN'T DO IT ON THE AUTOBAHN!!!  The geography just
> doesn't work...
> Now Steve, before you go off half-cocked about
> "aggressive" driving and "speed killing" and making
> pointless examples about roads I've never seen nor
> heard of and injecting this emotionally charged drivel
> about killing families into the thread, let's look at
> what I said versus what you're blathering about:
> Please!  Have a Coke and a smile and read on...
> What I said--plain and simple-- was this:  If
> you're in the left lane and someone wants to pass,
> MOVE OVER.  That's it.   You said:
> > And high speed driving on U.S. highways isn't a god
> > given right, nor is it part of the social contract.
> > 
> I never said it was!  NOBODY IS ADVOCATING DRIVING
> believe in so called "natural" speed limits.  If it's
> not safe to exceed "x" mph, on a given road, on a
> given day under current weather conditions, in your
> vehicle in it's present condition, DON'T EXCEED THAT
> By the way Steven, define "TOO High a speed."  I sure
> can't, as it's a relative quantity.  The way I see it
> 55 mph in a 70 zone might be highly unsafe during a
> driving rainstorm.  Breaking 25 in a school zone in
> the morning when the street is full of kids is
> foolhardy & unsafe.  But when I'm doing 100 or better
> across Alligator Alley in the mid-day sun with ten
> miles fore & aft visibility, I assure you I am not in
> any way driving unsafely. 
> I believe rural Montana Interstates for example, have
> no speed limit.  Do yo have a problem with that?  
> > While on open interstates it is generally both 
> > reasonable and required by law that slower
> > drivers stay to the right, it is not either
> > practically or ethically neutral to tailgate a
> slower > car stuck behind another slower car
> Steve, if you MOVE OVER there is no reason to
> tailgate. 
> Seriously, I agree tailgating is poor etiquette at
> best and potentially fatal at worst.  No argument. 
> But when you're done passing Steve, MOVE OVER.
> > I'm frequently in the
> > left lane, moving slower than other cars, because 
> > that's what I have to do to get to work. Sometimes 
> > I'm in the left lane because I believe I'm least 
> > likely to be hit by another driver changing
> > lanes. This is actually legal on urban interstates. 
> I'm sorry Steve, but IMNSHO, people who hang out in
> the left lane because their left exit is four miles
> ahead should still be tarred and feathered, for not
> knowing how to execute a proper lane change when their
> exit comes around.  And if you really are fearful of
> being hit, I daresay you need to work out your fears. 
> Bottom line is this:  IF YOU ARE BEING PASSED ON THE
> > Not infrequently, I'm in the
> > left lane because it's fastest, and I'm driving with
> > traffic.
> By rights, in most cases "traffic" should not be
> traveling in the left lane.  Passing yes, traveling,
> NO!
> > While I've read that on the Autobahn, emergency
> > vehicles are dispatched with a coroner on board
> since > they often don't  expect to find a living
> driver or 
> > passenger in a high speed crash.
> > Sorry, but that simply isn't the expectation when
> > driving I-70 through Kansas.
> I hear that is sometimes true.  But consider that
> emergency teams responding to a plane crash almost
> always come with a coroner in tow too, yet we deem air
> travel as "safer than driving," do we not?
> Regardless, statistically you're still more likely to
> assume room temperature via a car accident in the USA,
> than in Germany, and statistically there are far more
> auto accidents per mile driven here than there.  The
> lower frequency of accidents in Germany is largely
> attributable to better trained and skilled drivers,
> the majority of whom MOVE OVER when they're in the
> left lane and someone wants to pass.
> > *the wife and kids are fine, thanks. Ocassionally
> > they are in the left lane, though. Dark green/blue 
> > Discovery SE7, please give it room. <g>
> Will do.  But if _my_ wife comes up behind her, tell
> her the polite thing to do would be to MOVE OVER!
> Thanks.  No hard feelings Steven, but all's fair and
> all that :-)
> Fred
> Probably speeding somewhere to fetch more GT6 parts
> :-)
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  • Re: Left Lane Bandits (v.long, & no LBC)- my $0.02, Scott Bloomer <=