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My TR4

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: My TR4
From: "David Connitt" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 14:59:56 -0500

Thanks for all the comments on my new (old) TR4. I haven't seen the car
title yet but I am told that it was definitely registered initially in '68
as a TR4 (not TR4A). No big deal to me, I'm just glad to have one finally!
Art Kelly also told me I have a '66 not a '68.
I have to say I am supprised that IRS TR4's were built in '66. The trunk lid
doesn't have any emblems on it so I just assumed it is IRS since it was a
'68 (excuse me for calling it that, I haven't had it long enough to learn
the "lingo" yet) . The car is also titled as a TR4, not a TR4A.
I will try and get some pictures up on the web soon. I may try to get in
home Tuesday instead of Wednesday. I found out I can rent a  UHAUL car
trailer for $49.00/Day. Now all I need is a friend with a pickup..hmm

Dave Connitt
TR4 CTC 71048L

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