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Re: tr6: Steering column paint color

To: Tim Taylor <>, Triumph <>
Subject: Re: tr6: Steering column paint color
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 13:13:13 -0700
Organization: Crave Technology
References: <>
Tim Taylor wrote:

> as the scope creep of changing out my wood dash continues I have decided
> that the steering colum (at least the visible part in the cockpit)  could
> use to be repainted.  Anyone know what type of black paint I should use for
> this?

Good question. When stripping the body in preparation for a full respray,
after removing the tub from the frame....

;-) You're on a slippery slope. Don't know the spec for the black paint,
but you might as well pick up all the other colors you'll need while you're
at the paint shop. Good luck.

Steven Newell
Denver, CO

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