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Re: Throwing some Flames

To: "Tinker Mechanic" <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: Throwing some Flames
From: "Fred Thomas" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 06:42:40 -0500
References: <>
> I was mildly amused at the metric conversion info / jokes going around. .
> .but then to have that entire 809 message tacked on to the end of a reply.
> . .
> Talk about a waste of bandwidth!

Did I make a mistake, I'm not so sure, would I do it again, "YES", tomorrow
if it saved just one lister $1.00 it would have been well worth it, watching
out for each other in anyway for any reason is well worth any waste of
bandwith, it seems some people who do nothing are always the first to be
critical of anyone trying to be of help, the message also said non lbc very
long, I guess some people have no idea where the delete key is until they
have read the entire post, this message came to me from a personel friend
whom just happens to be a 2 star military man, he had enough concern to warn
all those under his command, sorry "Tinker" the delete key is what you want
not me.  "FT"

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