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The Would-Be Do-It-Yourself Welder

Subject: The Would-Be Do-It-Yourself Welder
From: "Hansen, Hans C, III (Red), BMSLS" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 05:57:44 -0500
Fellow LisTRs -
There is one aspect of maintaining our cars where I am completely at a loss:
WELDING. I read so many times on this list that someone welded this and
somebody else MIG welded that. 
[WARNING: Limited LBC Content Ahead!] ....I have a need to replace the floor
boards on my '74 TR6. My local auto body shop won't give me an estimate
until I drive the car and the boards to be welded on down to their shop.
This immediately tells me that it'll be expensive... $150-200. [END OF
WARNING.] Then in Lowe's the other day I saw a small oxygen/acetylene
welding kit for $279, just a little more than what the body shop would
charge me to remove the old boards and weld in the new ones.
I know many of you are thinking that I should take an adult education course
on welding, but I haven't seen one listed in any of the local night school
catalogues. Besides, with my other civic, fraternal, family, work, and beer
drinking commitments, I'd be hard pressed to find the time.
So, how does one learn this fine yet dangerous art? Could anyone recommend a
book or something that goes through the basics of welding, especially how to
select and buy welding apparatus suitable for the job(s) I'd want to do on
these, my beloved, cars? 
Red Hansen
'58 TR3A  TS41439
'74 TR6 CF13994
'81 TR7 something, something, something 406186

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