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Re: Insurance Question (long, part 3)LONG Winded Response

Subject: Re: Insurance Question (long, part 3)LONG Winded Response
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 22:50:54 EST
In a perfect world you would be correct if you said "or give me enough money 
to buy another car just like mine" Unfortunately no one is going to pay to 
create or recreate a classic or specialty car. As I said earlier, it is quite 
easy to spend more money on a restoration than the car is worth, (ask me how 
I know) The real settlement should be based on the market value of the car, 
immediately prior to the loss or damage. I know, I know another insurance 
term. What it means is the price a willing buyer would pay a willing seller 
on a free and open market for a car just like yours before, it was damaged. 
This points out the need for good documentation of the condition and value of 
our cars. Keep in mind, there are no accurate 'Blue" books on our cars and 
the folks who know the most about their value, like Pogo says."  are US ".
Thus endeth the insurance lesson, for tonight. Hang in there and don't hit 

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