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RE: Insurance Question (long, part 3)LONG Winded Response

Subject: RE: Insurance Question (long, part 3)LONG Winded Response
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 16:27:32 -0800 wrote :
> The key to this problem is finding the acv of any given car, at
> the time it
> is destroyed.

Doug :

You've touched on a point that has always aggravated me.  The solution
_should_ be absolutely trivial : the insurance company obtains an equivalent
car, in equivalent condition and gives that to the policy holder (while
taking the wreck as salvage).  If my car was a 100-point restoration of a 57
Nash Ambassador<shudder>, then replace it with a 100-point restoration of a
57 Nash Ambassador (or enough money to create one).

Of course, that will never happen.  The true value of a car is usually
several times what the insurance companies' tables say it is, and they are
_not_ in the business of giving out money !


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