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Roadster Factory, Surprising Findings

Subject: Roadster Factory, Surprising Findings
From: "Dennis N Culligan" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 09:41:44 -0500 .com> |January 17, 2001) at 03/06/2001 09:41:50 AM
Bob wrote:
>                                                             I discovered
>that two charges remained on my Visa I returned as it explained
>on the receipt and never got a credit from TRF.... I would hate to think
>we have to stay on top of things like this more carefully.

      I waited over six (6) months for TRF to refund my $300.00 core
charge on a pair of TR6 Hub/stub axle assemblies (purchased
6/8/00, cores received at TRF on 6/19/00, refund finally credited on
12/13/00).  I called them twice (10/19/00 and 12/08/00) and they agreed
that they owed me the money but said that they're "backed up".  I was
offered my refund amount plus 20% if I took it in parts, but I refused (I
didn't need any gas mask bags, wooden desks or car nuts at the time).
   I told them I was considering contacting the Better Business Bureau
and the PA State Attorney General regarding their refund policies,
and that I was going to document my experience on the Internet. They
then credited my card within 5 days.
        I guess I was particularly galled over the probability that the
that I returned had already been refurbished and sold to somebody
else (for $600) and they probably have THAT guy's core charge also.
    Bash away...

Dennis Culligan / '76 TR6 CF57948U - TR6IUMPH / Highland,NY /

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