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Re: Fuse ratings for TR3A

Subject: Re: Fuse ratings for TR3A
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Sat, 03 Mar 2001 14:04:12 -0800
References: <>
>From a long ago post :

I found a nice substitution chart on the jag-lover's site :

Simon S. Johnson sends the following data: "...the source: a 1974
edition of "Buss Fuse Car and Truck List" which has on the back cover a
section call "Foreign Car Fuse Replacement Data," -- foreign to the US,
that is. It states that "English standards differ from US standards.
This accounts for difference in ampere ratings." Then it provides a

English Type    Buss Replacement
50 amp          AGC 30
35 amp          AGC 25
30 amp          AGC 20
25 amp          AGC 15
20 amp          AGC 10
10 amp          AGC 7 1/2
 5 amp          AGC 3

59 TR3A daily driver wrote:
> A while back there was a thread giving the US amp fuse rating compared to the
> Lucas fuse rating.

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