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Re: TR4 rear springs

Subject: Re: TR4 rear springs
From: "Dan R." <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2001 14:00:33 -0000 FILETIME=[AE9ED9B0:01C08932]

Last year I replaced my original TR4 rear springs with a set from Moss.  I 
was concerned about them changing the car height however that didn't happen. 
  What did happen was the rear is now shifted about 3/4 inch to the right 
side of the car.  I drove it this way all last year and no one seemed to 
notice until I pointed it out to them.  But I notice it, especially when I 
go into a right turn a little hard.  On the other hand, left turns have 
never been flatter!

Anybody know why this happened?


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