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RE: [TR250] vintage racing seat

Subject: RE: [TR250] vintage racing seat
From: "john matthews" <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 11:13:53 -0800 FILETIME=[CA637F30:01C08639]
Hi David,

>I'm looking to install a replica of a
>period racing seat.

Just a few thoughts on this. What are you going to use the car for?
If you are building a show car and want the "correct peroid accessory" you 
probably should use a fiberglass seat from JC Whitney with plenty of foam 
and duct tape. That's what most people used at the time. These are cheap and 
light, but don't provide much protection for the driver.

>This seat looks like it has all of the
>ingredients I'm looking for, although
>the headrest is IMO optional

If however you intend to use the car for competition, or even just fast road 
work please spend your money on a modern FIA approved seat with head 
restraint and internal bracing. It may look funny in your vintage car, but 
it will definitely be cooler than the electric wheelchair you may be using 
if you have an accident. Seats are one of the most important saftey devices 
in any car.

I'm not a concourse judge, but there shouldn't be any points deducted for 
saftey devices as far as I know.


John Matthews
'61 Herald
'63 TR 4
'78 Honda Civic ITC #48

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