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Re: Newbie

Subject: Re: Newbie
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 12:34:49 EST
In a message dated 01-01-23 11:36:44 EST, writes:

<< I encourage you on a search for the finest sports Car ever made.
 The Triumph Spitfire.   >>


A hearty welcome to the list.  This is indeed a tough spot for me to comment 
on since I really do enjoy my Spitfire and share much of Patrick's feelings 
about the model but.....the car I'm restoring is my '76 TR6 (your second 
comparison vehicle).

I bought the Spit years ago as a transition car while the 6 restoration was 
progressing but I have to tell you, my Spit as well as other MK1, 2, 3's (the 
earlier roundtails - before the Mk4) does attract a lot of attention and is 
(relatively speaking) very easy to work on and not real expensive to maintain.

Trying to compare the 2 models objectively is can line up the 
statistics side-by-side on body style, weight, size, HP, length, width, 
interior space, etc.  But, consider that the real deciding points for you 
won't surface until you get behind the wheel of both cars and spend some 
quality time driving about to experience the "magic".....the sweet sounds, 
power, smells, handling, fun factor, admiring glances, etc. 

Each of us LBC owners knows what our cars offer in these terms and if we have 
more than one, we can tell you the differences but all of the dialog will be 
subjective!  I'm looking forward to completing the 6 restoration because I 
know the 6 will offer me power, handling and comfort that I don't have in the 
Spitfire.  At this point, the Spifire has become a good friend and I'd like 
to keep her.

When I wander out to the garage on some nice cool summer evening, which car 
will I more often take out for a spin?  Probably the 6 but not out of dislike 
for the Spit....I just can't be in two places at the same time!

Good luck....get out there and kick some tires.

Chip Krout
'76 TR6 CF57822U (chassis finished - busy grinding & sanding the body - check 
out my progress by visiting
'70 Spit Mk3  FDU78512L (tucked away for a long winter's nap)   

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