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Re: Newbie

To: Dale Neidhammer <>
Subject: Re: Newbie
From: "Martin A. Secrest" <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 11:57:46 -0500
Cc: Triumph Mailing List <>
References: <>

I've owned both.  While I loved my Spitfire for its handling, I'm a bit of a 
torque-lover, so I
eventually sold it.  But the Spit (like the GT6) might be easiest car in the 
world to work on, given
the engine bay access.  It's just a bit difficult to get much power out of it; 
to wit, all the
Spitfire engine conversions.  I also do love the charm of the Mk 1 and 2, and 
these are quick little

Having said that, if you really tear apart a 1500, replacing the pistons w/TR6, 
warm up the cam,
lighten the flywheel, add Webers and FF exhaust, and alloy wheels, you can the 
get the car to squeal
a bit like a pig.  And you'll likely lose a regular TR6 on a windy road.

As per the TR6, I prefer the '71-73 years, for reasons of styling and engine 
performance.  Beginning
in '74, the car acquires bumper overriders and progressively worse smogging.  
As per parts, almost
everything is available for both the Spit and TR6.  For FAQ's on both cars, 
visit ...

Dale Neidhammer wrote:

> I have a couple of questions I would like to put forth:
>         1.  Spitfire or TR6?  I realize this is probably
>             more of a "religious" question.  My frame of
>             reference is wrt to parts availability.
>         2.  If a TR6, what year(s)?  Any model year with
>             significant problems/advantages?
>         3.  If Spitfire, MkIV or 1500?
>         4.  Is there a TR6 or Spitfire or Triumph FAQ?

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