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TR2 Shell and Part-conclusion

Subject: TR2 Shell and Part-conclusion
From: jgillis <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 23:02:54 +0000
Just to let all know, I have learnt three things since posting this query; 
1. You cannot send attachments to the list, sorry for wasting your time on 
that, I did sent the photos to individuals, and I believe they will be 
on a site for a little while. 2. The part is not from a TR2 and was some 
contraption made by the DPO. I know this car was in competition in its 
early days and may relate to that. 3. I discovered what a wonderful bunch 
of people you lot are, so many of you went out of your way to help, it stirs 
my soul, not just as fellow Triumph enthusiasts but as a bench mark for 
human nature in a world more and more based on H.G Wells vision of a 
care less society (I know, all a bit mushy, but I wanted to say it anyway). 
Thank you one and all.
Regards John

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