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TR3 Rear cyl Fitting Kit problem

To: "TRlist" <>
Subject: TR3 Rear cyl Fitting Kit problem
From: "Pat" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 14:45:22 -0800
I've been puttering around with the rear wheel brake cyl fitting kit and
have a couple of questions.

I've figured out the sequence of the shims, locking plates etc. But what I
can't figure out is the rubber "boot". I know the hand brake steel elbow
goes through the narrow slot, but does this boot go on AFTER all the shims ?
(I think so).

If so, how is the end OPPOSITE the narrow end (That the hand brake elbow
goes through) get held in place ? It is just a 1/8" wide rubber that
surrounds the shim set and has "No visable means of support" <G>


In the fitting kit is a package of "Mechanical Grease"... where does this go
? Do I just slop it around the shim set, inside the shoe expander and around
the ends of the shoes that fit in the cyl ??

Thanks, Pat

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