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Re: Great experience

To: John Day <>
Subject: Re: Great experience
From: toad <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 13:17:47 -0500
References: <>
Afternoon John
I'll join you and promise to vroom in unison and we can pretend we are
cruising Carling Ave.



You should see the snow in Carp.

John Day wrote:
> No fair, Jean! No fair! Maybe I'll have to go to this year's Roadster Factory 
>Picnic in Pennsylvania and get my Sabrina fix from Chas. Runyan's TRS! It's 
>not enough that you see Marc M. with 'OVC 276' on a regular basis - now this! 
>Plus the occasional 'Francorchamps' - AARRGGGHHHH!
> Sorry - it's my 'TR withdrawal' speaking for me now. Time to go in my garage, 
>uncover one of the cars, sit in it and go "Vroom, vroom', and I'll be good as 
>new. C'mon, summer!! ;-)
> Cheers, JD (in snowy, cold Ottawa)

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