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Re: Just to introduce myself

To: "John Macartney" <>
Subject: Re: Just to introduce myself
From: "Scott A. Roberts" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 18:43:48 -0500
Cc: <>
References: <002001c07a95$0f9654c0$0ced07c3@jonmac>
Thanks John-
I actually wasn't worried about the looms burning up, as much as I thought
about the idea of major system wipeout due to a short in a secondary system-
i.e.: short in headlight circuit blows fuse, killing ignition, or something
similar.  I feel this way any single system can wipe without taking the rest
of the electrics with it. I most likely will keep the two fuses as a safety
measure for the supply lines in to the ignition and fuse box.

As to the ground, I am still trying to figure out where the grounds go!

64 Herald 1200 Convertible

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Macartney" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: Just to introduce myself

> Scott Roberts wrote:
> I have redone the wiring =
> behind the dash entirely- and added an 8 position fusebox, accessed =
> through the glove box, to support all the major electrical subsystems.
> =
> Two fuses on the firewall just doesn't seem enough.
> The two fuse box worked OK without too much evidence of spontaneous
> combustion in the looms - but watch out for one point, especially on
> Heralds that seemed more prone than other Triumphs. Ensure your engine
> to chassis earth (ground) strap is good and strong with clean,
> rust-free and well greased mating surfaces. Failure to observe this
> simple precaution will result in the grounding function being taken on
> the choke cable which is not an ideal electrical conductor !!!!!!
> Jonmac

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