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Re: Just to introduce myself

To: <>
Subject: Re: Just to introduce myself
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 23:30:06 -0000
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
Scott Roberts wrote:

I have redone the wiring =
behind the dash entirely- and added an 8 position fusebox, accessed =
through the glove box, to support all the major electrical subsystems.
Two fuses on the firewall just doesn't seem enough.

The two fuse box worked OK without too much evidence of spontaneous
combustion in the looms - but watch out for one point, especially on
Heralds that seemed more prone than other Triumphs. Ensure your engine
to chassis earth (ground) strap is good and strong with clean,
rust-free and well greased mating surfaces. Failure to observe this
simple precaution will result in the grounding function being taken on
the choke cable which is not an ideal electrical conductor !!!!!!


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