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Cooling system hose clamps

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Cooling system hose clamps
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 20:42:28 -0000
Gentlemen, this is a minor issue but I would be interested in your
off-list replies. For many years, the factory fitted a type of
multiple bend wire hose clamp using a bolt and captive nut. Even
though the clamps did their job, many owners of new cars, together
with dealers in the UK, immediately removed them upon delivery and
substituted the 'jubilee' type of worm drive clamp. Not only did the
alternative look vastly better but the clamping load was more
effectively spread across the hose rather than being very localised.
I was showing a US visitor the TR6PI engine bay earlier this week at
Gaydon on which Jubilees are fitted throughout. Said visitor expressed
grave concern when he noticed these non-original clamps, claiming VTR
would deduct marks for this in a concours.
I really can't believe that any VTR judge would be that 'picky' in
awarding marks or, more importantly, deducting marks for the use of
non-standard clamps which are a substantial improvement over the
cheap-skate  piece of twisted wire (ex coat hanger) that was fitted in
Can anyone clarify?


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