Thanks Art
The only 'hole' in the back of the case is next to the antenna
receptacle. Inside there is a screw- but the wires just mount to the
antenna receptacle and to ground- not a switch.
I'll take some JPEGS as I clean it up and check it out.
In a message dated 14-Dec-00 22:20:27 Eastern Standard Time,
'Assuming' I can get this radio to work, was it originally a
ground unit? (ART???)
Sherman, I didn't order a factory installed radio because I had been
that since I was shipping my car myself the odds of my radio arriving in
were very low. Seems radios were a hot item for thieves while in
I bought a radio in NJ at an auto radio shop. It had a switch for + or
ground on the side.
Don't know if the original Triumph radios had that option since most
cars were + ground at the time. Check to see if there is a small screw
with access through the side of the case. It might be marked + and -.
that helps.
You could always go back to + ground. The only reason I converted to -
ground (a few months ago) was because I now have a modern radio.