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RE: tr3b on ebay

To: "'Robert Burnett '" <>, "' '" <>
Subject: RE: tr3b on ebay
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 11:44:18 -0600
It's always surprised me a bit to see criticism erupt on the Triumph list
whenever someone puts a TR up for sale at what I'll call a "fancy price".
You'd think that since we all own one or more of these cars that we'd regard
an increasing value as a plus.

What I've concluded is that most of us regard ourselves not as future
sellers of our cars at a high price, but as probable future buyers of yet
another Triumph - hopefully at a LOW price.

Good for us!

On the other hand, since the "experts" have been advising for years that
buying a restored car is far cheaper, easier and quicker than doing your own
restoration, we can't be too startled to find that there's a demand for
turn-key restored cars that tends to elevate their value - whether they're
"correctly" restored or not  :-)

Jim Hill
TR6 Vintage Race Car
Not For Sale - Not Now, Not Ever . . .

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Burnett
Sent: 12/14/00 9:14 AM
Subject: tr3b on ebay

I can't believe anybody in their right mind would pay 17000 for a tr3b
with a tr4a motor in it.  My tr3b is a late model tcf2722L, that I have
owned for over 20 years and believe to be original, although I have had
every nut and bolt off it , most at least twice!  the valve cover on my
motor does have the brass plug for emissions, but only a road draft tube and
no plumbing. It was originally a New York State registration, so cannot
comment on Cal. requirements.Since I have my original motor and
transmission, as well as other original tr4 parts factory installed on my 3b
is it worth 20000?!!

I think not!! the market isn't that tight for a 3b yet is it??  

Rob Burnett,
still not quite back after 20 years!!

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